We know…it’s not rocket surgery. But anything worth doing is worth doing right, so we do everything we can to get it right for our clients. And that includes a proven process that, more often than not, has yielded darn good results. The details are above, but it goes like this:
(1) We start with Discovery to make sure we know what we know and are in sync with the client.
(2) We use that discovery information to begin a Strategy for work that will get our client the results they need.
(3) Budgeting to achieve the strategy includes how to carry out a full campaign, usually with a range of budgets so that clients can see the cost to do Version A, how much to do Version B, and how much for a Version C. It’s reasonable to do and it helps both us and the client stay on track.
(4) With our discovery learning, our strategy, and a budget in place, we can develop Creative.
(5) After developing several concepts, we present those and the client chooses their preferred way forward. Then we Tweak…and tweak…and tweak…until the work is exactly right.
(6) With the creative approved, we go to Implementation – launch – including everything from building production files and hiring production studios, printers, etc., to distributing and managing media.
Those are the basics of how it gets done. To learn more about how we work, and how that can help your business Do Something Great, talk to us. Click below today to get started.